Life, House, Home, Family, Thriftiness, and other stuff...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Lewis and Clark

Or a more recent picture...

Here they are, the great explorers Lewis and Clark.
Exploring the Rocky Mountains. Notice guns and sword in their backs.

"We are on the Rocky Mountains and we are stuck here and we are hungry. We melt the snow for our drink. We are tired. (from bottom to top on right side) Lewis and Clark travel through the Rocky Mountains."

as written: we are on the roke mountons and we are stuk hear and we are hungrea we melt the sno for our jreenc we are tirde Lewes and clark chravl threw the roke mountens.

Garrett wrote this with no help.

They've also been known to play "presidents." Abraham Lincoln is one of the favorites.
I guess he's learning something at school.

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Monday, January 11, 2010


This is Ally. She's my cute, funky little sister.

She is a bright and sunny and happy person.
She was the one I pulled out of the hat of names to give to for Christmas this year.

So I made her a quilt.

A bright, sunny, happy one.

I love these colors.
It was so easy, but so cute I might make one for myself.
Love ya, Allzy Walzy.

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